Monday, November 26, 2007


Yesterday was the happy little tree raising ceremony in the Sayers house. Good times had by most. I put up the tree and the older one helped with the branches. We did the lights and the kids thought that was pretty cool. I waited for the bulbs and stuff till the lil'woman got home. Turns out she didn't want to fucking do anything so my 3 year old is FREAKING OUT. So me and the kiddo are decorating the tree and had a great family moment. This is the first year that she really "gets" what's going on. Good times.

Now the wife decided to drive down to "where the fuck ever" to go buy some furniture. What exactly will happen after she buys it, I just don't know. I'm getting the impression that daddy is going to have to figure out a way to get furniture home. Fuck stick. I think we should reverse these roles here. For those of you playing the home one has trucks here. You can rent a truck...for 100 euro ($130 or so) and pay the $5 a gallon to fill it up, but that sort of defeats the purpose of buying a $75 futon ya know?


RedWifey said...

Even better deal...I'll ship you a futon. It has a REALLY nice cover and great mattress when you get it to lay down flat (about three months of not being in the "couch" position). :)

Being married is AWESOME, sometimes, huh!? :)

Unknown said...

No one delivers in that country? Seems like a business opportunity to me.

gobbla said...

RW> Toss a stamp on that bad boy and make it happen!!

Gabe> It's a trade off. If we go to the bases where we can spend $ vs euro the answer is "no". You go on the economy then you pay 32 cents on the dollar over due to the exchange rate. Last delivery we had was around 60 euro (a deal compared to getting the truck I admit) but the down side is they deliver when they feel like it. Could be a week or a month or three months. They cancel delivery's. They give you a day that they'll show up vs a time.

It's a pain in the ass.

Unknown said...

Maybe the business opportunity is actual service.

RedWifey said...

Dude, the futon and Jack (2 1/2) are in the mail. Let me know when you get them.

FYI, Jack doesn't appreciate being taken to the dentist.