Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fired Up

Living over here in the middle of no where Germany has given me a brand new appreciation on "shit that don't matter". The locals are nice enough people but there "isn't" service. You're their to buy their product and you can figure out a way to do it or go fuck yourself. You want to shop on Sunday\a holiday that you have off work...fuck you. You want to drive down the street but can't because there's a small colony of people that are having a discussion and can't be bothered to stand on the sidewalk\want ice in your drink\want something done in a timely manner...shove it up your ass whitey.

It didn't take long to not get upset any more. It does no good at all. Every once in a while I'll piss off a local and they'll scream at me...I don't know what they're saying but it's probably not very nice...and what do you do? Smile, wave, and give them the universal "this is what I think of you" hand gesture and go on with life. Jumping up and down and making a fuss does no good what so ever. They already think you're an idiot and vise versa. No ones opinion is going to change. Carry on with life like the dumb\rude fuck doesn't exist. There's a lesson there.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Yesterday was the happy little tree raising ceremony in the Sayers house. Good times had by most. I put up the tree and the older one helped with the branches. We did the lights and the kids thought that was pretty cool. I waited for the bulbs and stuff till the lil'woman got home. Turns out she didn't want to fucking do anything so my 3 year old is FREAKING OUT. So me and the kiddo are decorating the tree and had a great family moment. This is the first year that she really "gets" what's going on. Good times.

Now the wife decided to drive down to "where the fuck ever" to go buy some furniture. What exactly will happen after she buys it, I just don't know. I'm getting the impression that daddy is going to have to figure out a way to get furniture home. Fuck stick. I think we should reverse these roles here. For those of you playing the home one has trucks here. You can rent a truck...for 100 euro ($130 or so) and pay the $5 a gallon to fill it up, but that sort of defeats the purpose of buying a $75 futon ya know?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Holy Shit Balls

My wife decided that I needed to take the kids over to her friends for thanksgiving while she worked. Now THAT is a bitch for another day, but I went, they went, we all fucking went. I had no clue how good my children are and what little freaking bastards other peoples children are. We had a 5 year old shit himself. One kid screamed the whole time...the whoooooole older one. One kept throwing full sippy cups and later cranberry sauce. One was stomping all over the furniture in their shoes. All the parents were going "aww, aren't they cute". they're not cute. Not even a little cute. I know some people aren't down with the spanking and that's cool. There has to be SOME kind of discipline though. Put the little ass in time out or something. I get little kids acting like little kids. Parents have to act like parents. If you didn't want to "raise" a responsible\decent human being then you should have worn a damned condom.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


So I've been training the "new, new girl" for a little bit now. I've got to say that I've done a hella good job. She's all spandex'd out and now is starting to look pretty good in it. Got to admit that when we stretch (pike calf\downward dog for you yoga folks) things get a little uncomfortable\distracting.

I think I'm going to hell.


Monday, November 19, 2007


I don't remember if I commented on it or not but I discovered that after this semester I'll be exactly where I was last year in terms of credit hours before I swapped majors. 12 classes later, I'm right where I was. Fuck stick. That'll put me @ 10 classes to go, all of them mildly interesting but it's like "damn". I'm freaking tired ya know? Ah well. Maybe I'll actually finish it this time.

This semester is American history to 1877 and African American history to 1877. So far I've learned that colonial life sucked nuts...especially if you were a slave. I figured I'd be smarter than this by now.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I have to agree with Bob on Alison Krause. She has one of the prettiest voices in the whole dang world. It's freaking scary.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


So I made a mint cheesecake yesterday with some dark chocolate nuggets in there. While not "exactly" compliant with the diet, it's in the realm right?! Yummers.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


So me and the kiddo's are off doing our weekly grocery adventure. Kids are being good. I'm being good. Everything is good.

We're driving. I've got "Genisis Ultimate Collection Disk 1" rocking away...drinking my gingersnap tea (oh snap!)...minding my business. I notice a warm sensation on my inner thigh. Ahhhh, warm coffee mugs feel good against the boys I say. Then it's like "Oh shit; that's hot!". What the fuck happened? More and more the feeling spreads? What the fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Did I just piss myself? I don't think I pissed myself. Then again I suppose when people piss themselves they wouldn't know it or they wouldn't do it. Lid is on the travel mug. Hmmm. Around this point my taint is getting toasty. If I pissed myself it'd be's wet.

Smells like gingersnap....crisis averted. Of course it LOOKS like I pissed myself.

Groove On

Apparently the lil'lady forgot what a joy carnal relations are because she outdid herself yesterday. Good times.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sex Talk

So it's been a while right. She's been dropping the hints but not pulling through with the goods. I believe she was irritated at coming home to find a video with a girls ass all up in the air waiting on her on the laptop. Sloppy work on my part I admit, not any reason to without sex for a week or two though. My kicker with the porn is regardless of my little perversions, my wife is the only woman my dick has been in, seen, fondled for the past 7 years (aka marriage). I get the not feeling feeling attractive and all, but she's got to get the "I'm a guy...we're all evil" thing.

I told you that story to tell you this one. It's been a while. She's cracking but won't just come out and get on with buisness. Touchy, touchy, talky, talky, blah, blah, blah for two hours when I'm trying to go the fuck asleep. You've got TEN MINUTES to initiate sex actions. Bed time means go to fucking sleep woman. I got to get up early...shit to do. Damn it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


What'd you do today? I made me some lumpia. What is a lumpia? It's like a big meaty spring roll. Don't know how to make them? Neither did I but it only takes about 3 seconds to learn. We had over 600 pre-orders with about 24hrs advertising. We CRANKED out some god damned lumpia I tell you what. It was awesome. Made about $400 towards the christmas party. It was a good day.

My co-worker was telling me about how he got second in one of our PT events. I called him a loser. He said "No, I got second". "Yeah, you're a fucking loser. There's a winner and everyone else is a loser. You're a loser." Didn't go over too well. Oh well. He's just a loser anyway. :D

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Matt Hughes

I've been watching "The Ultimate Fighter" because I'm a dork and dorks watch that sort of thing. Season 2 coach Matt Hughes has returned and his team is pretty well taking a lick'n. A lot of people don't like Matt because he's a dick. I admire the dickness. In his mind there's only one thing "winning". If you're not a winner then fuck you, you're a loser. Some people say that, that's a bad attitude, the wrong attitude...these people are also known as losers.

Now I'm not saying that you have to win for mommy to love you. I'm just saying that if you've got no losing in you. If you don't want to win, you HAVE to win, life isn't even worth going on if you're not winning...

The odds of winning are pretty good. The odds of being the best have improved dramatically from that guy that's OK with losing.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


What's that? He's back you say? In all new, non fitness related content? Holy shit! It gives me chills just thinking about it.