Friday, December 7, 2007


My wife has this nasty ass sore on her stomach. Freaky shit. All open and pussy, black and red and "wow". Apparently she had a compress on it and when she took off the compress all the infected "what ever the fuck it is" came out at the same time and left this massive freaking crater in her stomach. It's a big ass hole. I mean you could stick your finger in there to the knuckle.

She went to the doctor who didn't seem phased. She doesn't seem concerned. I'm creeped out. Freaky shit man. A person is only supposed to have so many holes. It's the natural order of things. I wonder how it'll effect her resale value?


Roland Denzel said...


Unknown said...

She lost 20% as soon as you drove her off the lot. A little ding on the fender is just character at this point.